L-1 E27
The original ideas lamp
Sleek and elegant, purposeful and pliable, the L-1 task light design is contained within itself. Nothing to add, nothing to subtract. It’s so simple, it’s almost obvious. But then again, great ideas always are.
A great idea always seems self-explanatory when you see it for the first time. It's as if some sort of truth has been hidden, just waiting to be brought out into the light - such as recognizing how a jointed construction, resembling the human upper and lower arm, is a desirable model of functionality in a task light. Seeing its potential and bringing it to life with a few bolts, some nuts and springs as “muscles”. Which, of course, brings us the L-1 task light.
With more than 25 million task lights sold globally, the L-1 has probably seen more bright ideas come to light than any other task light in the world. Cherished by creatives, students, engineers and design savvy households alike, it has been illuminating their thoughts and ideas for more than 80 years.
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