Glamox KNX

Glamox KNX

Glamox KNX

Glamox KNX

KNX is a standardised, OSI-based network communications protocol for building automation. AS a member of the KNX association Glamox provides a wide range of KNX products linked to controlling light. Here you will find Power supply, DALI/KNX gateways, different sensors and Actuators. KNX is the only global standard for home and building control with •A single, manufacturer independent design and commissioning tool (ETS).  •A complete set of supported communication media (TP, PL, RF and IP).  •A complete set of supported configuration modes (system and easy mode).  KNX is approved as  •European Standard (CENELEC EN 50090 and CEN EN 13321-1).  •International Standard (ISO/IEC 14543-3).   
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