ASC NL100 is a pre-configured control and monitoring system for navigation and signal lights by factory. It is available with multi–Foil Panel (FP) or Touch Panel (TP) control. A modular and scalable design makes it suitable for all types and sizes of vessels for marine applications. The complete unit contains a main control with touch or foil panel for flush mounting, relay modules for lanterns connection and power supply unit for installation inside of bridge console or in technical room. It runs under a user-friendly and easy-to-use operation. An open-protocol (based on NMEA0183) offers direct remote-control-of relay modules from Integrated-Bridge-System (IBS). The ASC NL100 can handle vessel’s input power supply voltage (including main and standby) of range 100VAC-230VAC (50/60Hz) and 24VDC. Moreover, it may contain up to 14Pcs. of relay modules. The ASC NL100 monitors dual (main and standby) power supply with manual or automatic switch-over function. It continuously monitors the status of lights that are switched on and light's circuitry by checking current for each connected navigational light or All-round light. If the current drops below threshold, the alarm is activated and the system automatically switches to spare light (if exists), however this provides more safety. Each light output is protected by melting fuse or circuit breakers. All Relay modules are equipped with manual override activation features which allow operation even in case of electric failure. The ASC NL100, in maximum configuration, controls up to 64 Nav-Lights. It is tested and compatible with standard incandescent bulbs and Glamox / aqua signal LED navigation lights Series 55, 65, 60, 61, 70/70(M), 75(D), 66N(D) MIL, and 76N(D), both Standard and Arctic variants. In addition, The ASC NL100 is DNV certified. The ASC NL100 system requirements according to DNV: - Control via one or more foil panels, a Touch Panel PC or from third party systems such as IBS - Manual or automatic switch-over to spare light in case of main Navigation light malfunction - Manual override function - Only one type of relay module for all voltages - Navigation lights may be mixed incandescent or LED - Standard interface to external systems with NMEA0183 (basic) (further Modbus-TCP with PLC and Touch Panel PC)   ASC NL100 – Control via Foil Panel (FP): The ASC NL100 Foil Panel is used to control the navigation lights for marine applications. It is highly flexible and available with standard cabinet sizes (small, medium, large and custom) or as mounting plates or even single components, and setups (E.g. 8+8 (8 main and 8 standby), 16+16 (16 main and 16 standby), 16+16+16 (24 main and 24 standby), 4x16 (32 main and 32 standby), and customized circuits). - Factory pre-configured and checked to rules for customers safety - DNV certified - Flush mounted FP housing selectable in 3 standard sizes, incl. - Up to 5 FP in one system - Safe-Return-to-Port (SRtP) functionality with at least 2 FP - Alarm function optical, acoustic ASC NL100 - Control with PLC via Touch Panel PC (TP): - High class ASC NL100 with newest maritime certified PLC and up to 5 TP in one system - Highly free configurable and even free programmable GUI for standard and custom solutions - Works with all standard ASC NL100 relay modules - DNV certified - Flush mounted TP housing selectable in sizes as standards 15” - Web based application for simple use with any web browser - Ready-to-use pre-configured for customers - All settings may be fine-tuned or completely re-programmed by customers directly from the setup screen - Alarm functions optical, acoustic and log file - Flexible screen setup incl. custom solutions - Standard interface to external systems with NMEA0183 (basic)and Modbus-TCP. For further technical support, please contact GPD Technical department (
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