Webinar opnames

Onze kalender staat vol met informatieve webinars over verschillende onderwerpen - allemaal gerelateerd aan verlichting. Zowel onze medewerkers als boeiende gastsprekers delen graag hun kennis. Bekijk hieronder de opgenomen Engelse webinars en leer meer over licht!

Ontdek het licht

Graag nodigen wij u uit voor ons webinar, "De essentie van licht". Deze interessante sessie onderzoekt de diepgaande impact van licht op ons dagelijks leven en onze omgeving.

Hoogtepunten van het webinar:

\ Inzicht in de aard van het licht en haar rol in ons bestaan
\ Onderzoeken hoe licht onze waarneming en biologische processen beïnvloedt
\ De relatie tussen licht en kleur, en hoe verschillende lichtbronnen de kleurweergave beïnvloeden
\ Het belang van licht bij het creëren van functionele en comfortabele omgevingen
\ Inzicht in Human Centric Lighting en haar voordelen voor onze circadiaans ritme en algehele welzijn


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Laatste nieuws over CIE-normen voor Human Centric Lighting

Wist u dat optimale verlichting meer kan doen dan alleen een kamer opfleuren? Het kan onze interne klok synchroniseren, ons welzijn vergroten en zelfs de cognitieve prestaties verbeteren.

In dit webinar hebben we de volgende onderwerpen voor u klaarstaan:

\ De wetenschap van Human Centric Lighting: hoe niet-visuele effecten van licht ons circadiaans ritme, onze stemming en cognitieve functie beïnvloeden
\ Praktische toepassingen van de normen CIE S 026 en TN015: Van het berekenen van de melanopische daglicht-efficiëntieverhouding (MDER) tot het begrijpen van de juiste lichtomstandigheden voor dag en nacht
\ Verlichting op maat voor meer welzijn: ontdek hoe het verlichtingsconcept de slaapkwaliteit kan verbeteren, slaperigheid kan verminderen en de prestaties kan verbeteren.

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Motus is movement

Donderdag 29 augustus 2024, 10:00-10:20 uur

Doe mee aan ons informatieve webinar van 20 minuten en ontdek de veelzijdigheid en elegantie van Luxo's bekroonde armatuurfamilie, Motus.
Wat je kunt verwachten te leren: • De diverse producten binnen de Motus-familie; • Veelzijdige toepassingen; • Ontwerp en functionaliteit; • Het Luxo Kleurenconcept; • Duurzame oplossingen
Mis deze kans niet om te ontdekken hoe u uw verlichtingservaring kunt transformeren met Motus. We kijken ernaar uit om u te verlichten!

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Inzicht in milieuproductverklaringen (EPD's) en duurzame productkeuzes

Donderdag 20 juni 2024, 10.00-10.15 uur CET

Volg een verhelderend webinar waarin we waardevolle inzichten onderzoeken met betrekking tot milieuproductverklaringen (EPD's) en hun diepgaande betekenis voor Glamox haar toewijding aan duurzaamheid. Onder leiding van productmanager Andreas Eliasson werpt dit webinar licht op het belang van milieuverantwoordelijkheid bij verlichtingskeuzes. Mis deze gelegenheid niet en stem uw verlichtingsbeslissingen af op verantwoordelijkheid voor het milieu. Ga samen met ons op reis naar een lichtere, duurzamere toekomst.

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Time is Running Out - How to Navigate the EU's Fluorescent Lighting Ban

On 25 August, the ban on T5 and T8 light sources will go into effect, marking a significant shift in the lighting industry. Once stock runs out, these products will no longer be available in the EU. Discover how to navigate this transition smoothly and embrace a more sustainable, energy-efficient lighting future.

Explore how UNN completed an LED refit project, showcasing their rapid transition to a highly efficient and sustainable lighting solution. Witness the tangible benefits they achieved and gain valuable insights to apply to your own projects.

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How can the ban on fluorescent light sources give you new business opportunities?

Fluorescent lighting is about to become a thing of the past because of the new RoHS directive. Upgrading existing lighting installations with LED luminaires and smart lighting controls can reduce energy consumption by as much as 90%. The considerably longer lifetimes of LED luminaires also translate to less waste and less pollution.

In this webinar, we will tell you what the RoHS directive means for you and how it will affect more than 80% of lighting installations in Europe. We will also show you how this will lead to increased business opportunities in upgrading existing lighting installations.

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3 key elements of lighting for hospital cleanrooms 

Thursday, 12th of June 2022 10:00 AM - 10:10 AM CEST

Hospitals invest in cleanroom technology to keep rooms clean and achieve the best possible infection or particle control. Cleanroom lighting is no exception as excellent light quality is paramount in hospitals to ensure good visibility when performing different tasks, improving safety, productivity and well-being.
This 10-minute coffee break webinar learns you the 3 key elements for lighting solutions that enhance and complement a cleanroom's functionality, adding features that will benefit staff and patients.

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How to get a sustainable building with significant savings

Thursday, 12th of May 2022 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CEST

We invite you to a new webinar where we show you how light management saved a large reputable industrial enterprise more than 90% of their energy consumption on light. At the same time there were significant savings in other areas of their operation, and we will present these to you as well.
Don't miss this webinar where we will show you how to achieve your own goal of a sustainable building, through smart energy-efficient solutions.
Whether you want to offer such solutions to your customer, or see the benefits yourself as a building owner, tenant or maintenance manager – we can help you.

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Light can improve the performance of night shift workers

Thursday, 28th of April 2022 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CEST
What do doctors, nurses, firefighters, control room operators, and offshore workers all have in common? Many of them work night shifts. You will meet Professor Ståle Pallesen and Postdoctoral Fellow Erlend Sunde who will share their insights on the topic. Night work is associated with adverse health outcomes, sleepiness, reduced alertness and performance, as well as increased risk of accidents. However, people need to work through the night for numerous reasons and we want to share some research results on how employees working nights can improve their performance and well-being and even help them adjust their circadian rhythm with Human Centric Lighting. Are you looking to get a good understanding of the principles and benefits of Human Centric Lighting? Join our 30-minute webinar to learn more.
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How can lighting support elderly living with dementia?

Thursday 24th of March 2022 10.00 – 10.30 CET
Generic lighting isn’t the best care for the elderly. Those living in nursing and care homes need better lighting solutions to meet the challenges that impact residents’ quality of life. Individual needs, well-being, and sleep need to be at the forefront of residential home lighting design. Join us for a 30-minute webinar where we share recent research, and learn how interior architecture and Human Centric Lighting can benefit both patients and staff.
Target group: End-Users, consultants, lighting designers and architects
Speakers: Professor Elisabeth Flo-Groeneboom at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen (UiB), Elin Skjeseth Bashevkin, architect and partner at Cadi, and Anders Bru, human-centric lighting expert at Glamox.

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Shedding light on the ceiling system jungle

Thursday, 3rd of March 2022 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CEST

There is an abundance of ceiling systems on the market. Finding the luminaires to match a specific system can sometimes present a challenge. This is why Glamox has developed an online guide to help our customers navigate through the jungle. In this 30-minute webinar, we will take a look into the different ceiling systems and the online ceiling guide.

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Highlights from the revised EN standard 12464-1 (2021)

Thursday, 2nd of December 2021, at 10:00-10:30 AM CET

In this 30 min webinar we will highlight and explain the main amendments introduced to the European Lighting standard EN 12464-1 in 2021.

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